What Is The Easiest Country To Move To From America?

Written by
Amber Hobert
Published on
July 9, 2024
Table of Contents

Moving to a different country is often an exciting and life-altering experience, but it can also be overwhelming and stressful. With so many considerations, it can be challenging to decide which country to move to, especially if you're looking for a relatively easy place to immigrate to from America.

This blog post will summarize some of the top countries for Americans to move to with relative ease, including information on visa requirements, job opportunities, cost of living, and more.

Whether you're looking to escape the political climate in the United States or simply looking for a change of scenery, this post will provide valuable insights to help you make an informed decision about your next move.

Easiest Countries to Move to From America

There are many countries where it is easy for Americans to move. If you're looking for an easier path to permanent residency in a new country, these top 3 countries might be an excellent place to start your search. Here's a brief overview of each country's ranking and score on the Ease of Settling In Index and the pros and cons of living there.


Immigration process

Canada is considered the easiest country to move to as an American. The Canadian immigration system is points-based, meaning applicants are evaluated based on their education, work experience, language proficiency, and other factors.

To apply for permanent residency, you'll need to create an online profile with Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and fill out an Express Entry application. You'll then be placed in a pool of candidates and ranked based on your Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score. If you are asked to apply, you have 60 days to send in a complete application.

Requirements for permanent residency

Even though Canada is one of the easiest countries to move to, to be eligible for permanent residency, you'll need to meet the following requirements:

  • Language proficiency: You'll need to prove your proficiency in English or French by taking a language test.
  • Education: You'll need a post-secondary degree, diploma, or certificate from a recognized institution.
  • Work experience: You'll need at least one year of full-time work experience in a skilled profession.
  • Adequate funds: You'll need to prove that you have enough financial stability to support yourself and your family members while you're in Canada.

Pros of living in Canada

Canada offers many advantages to American expats, including:

  • Universal healthcare: All Canadian citizens, as well as permanent residents, have access to free healthcare.
  • Multiculturalism: Canada is a diverse and welcoming country with a rich cultural heritage.
  • High quality of life: Canada consistently ranks high in quality of life surveys.
  • Safety and security: Canada has low crime rates and is listed as one of the safest countries to live in the world.
  • Education: Canada has a high-quality education system with excellent universities.

Cons of living in Canada

  • Cold weather: Canada's winters can be long and harsh, especially in the northern regions.
  • High cost of living: Canada has a high cost of living, particularly in larger cities like Toronto and Vancouver.
  • Language barrier: While English is predominantly spoken in Canada, there are also significant French-speaking populations in certain provinces, which may require some adjustment.
  • Job market: The job market in Canada can be competitive, especially for newcomers.


Immigration process

Mexico offers several types of visas, including digital nomad visas, temporary resident visas, and permanent resident visas. To apply for a temporary resident visa, you'll need to have a valid reason for living in Mexico, such as work, study, or retirement.

To apply for a permanent resident visa, you'll need to meet specific criteria, such as having family ties to Mexico or making a significant investment in the country. The application process can be lengthy and involves providing documentation such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, and police records.

Requirements for permanent residency

To be eligible for permanent residency in Mexico, you'll need to meet the following requirements:

  • Proof of financial means: You'll need to demonstrate that you have a steady income or significant savings to support yourself while living in Mexico.
  • Proof of ties to Mexico: You'll need to show that you have a connection to Mexico, such as family ties or a business investment.
  • Clean criminal record: You must provide a police record from your home country and pass a background check in Mexico.

Pros of living in Mexico

Mexico offers many advantages to American expats, including:

  • Affordable cost of living: Mexico is known for its low cost of living, especially outside of major cities.
  • Beautiful weather: Mexico has a warm and sunny climate, making it a popular destination for retirees.
  • Rich cultural heritage: Mexico has a rich history and culture, with many UNESCO World Heritage sites.
  • Proximity to the U.S.: Mexico is located just south of the U.S., making it easy to visit family and friends back home.

Cons of living in Mexico

  • Safety concerns: Mexico has a high crime rate, especially in certain regions.
  • Language barrier: While many Mexicans speak English, it's still essential to be fluent in Spanish to fully integrate into Mexican society.
  • Healthcare: The quality of healthcare in Mexico can vary widely, especially outside of major cities.
  • Bureaucracy: Dealing with Mexican bureaucracy can be time-consuming and frustrating for newcomers.

Costa Rica

Immigration process

To live in Costa Rica, you must obtain a residency permit. There are different types of residency permits, such as temporary residency, permanent residency, and special categories for retirees, investors (Citizenship by invest or Golden Visas), and professionals.

To apply for residency in Costa Rica, you'll need to provide documentation such as a criminal background check, a birth certificate, and proof of income or financial means.

Requirements for permanent residency

To be eligible for permanent residency in Costa Rica, you'll need to meet one of the following requirements:

  • Investment: You can qualify for permanent residency by investing at least $200,000 in a business or property in Costa Rica.
  • Pensioner: If you receive a pension of at least $1,000 per month, you can apply for permanent residency as a pensioner.
  • Marriage: If you are currently married to a Costa Rican citizen, you can apply for permanent residency after two years of living together.
  • Employment: If you have a job offer in Costa Rica, then you can apply for permanent residency as a worker.

Pros of living in Costa Rica

Costa Rica offers many advantages to American expats, including:

  • Beautiful natural scenery: Costa Rica is home to stunning beaches, rainforests, and national parks.
  • Affordable cost of living: While some areas of Costa Rica can be expensive, overall, the cost of living is lower than in the U.S.
  • Friendly locals: Costa Ricans, or Ticos as they are known, are known for their welcoming and friendly nature.
  • High standard of healthcare: Costa Rica has a high standard of healthcare, with both public and private options available.

Cons of living in Costa Rica

  • Bureaucracy: Dealing with Costa Rican bureaucracy can be frustrating and time-consuming, especially when obtaining residency permits and other paperwork.
  • Language barrier: While many Costa Ricans speak English, it's essential to be fluent in Spanish to fully integrate into Costa Rican society.
  • Safety concerns: While Costa Rica is generally a safe country, there are still issues with petty crime and theft in some areas.
  • Limited job opportunities: Unless you have a specific skill set that is in demand in Costa Rica, finding employment can be difficult.

Consult A Mail Forwarding Service Provider

There are several countries that American citizens can move to with ease. Each country has its unique set of requirements, pros, and cons. Before making a decision, it is crucial to do a lot of research and consider all the factors.

If you are an American planning to move abroad to study, work permanently, or as a digital nomad, consider using a mail forwarding service provider to ensure that you can stay connected with your loved ones and receive important mail and packages. With the proper preparation and support, you can make your move to a new country a smooth and exciting experience.

Sign up for Residency in South Dakota